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Exhibitions & Events l 2020

Judicial Heritage Gallery

A gallery showroom dedicated to significant milestones and events in Singapore’s legal and judicial development, we worked with Singapore Supreme Court to create the Judicial Heritage Gallery.

to engage

Expect a multi-dimensional experience as you venture through the five gallery zones of recollections gathered from the nation’s social history and discover how key events intertwined with the Judiciary’s evolution over time as a key institution in Singapore’s governance system. To depict the court’s transformation over time, Kingsmen conceptualised interactive touch-screens and infographics projected on glass panels to develop a fully digital experience of the imagined “Future Courtroom”. 

key services

spatial design & build

storytelling & experience

ideation & concept design

related news

In careful curation with the team at MAYVAERT , we created a futuristic yet archival space within the Judicial Heritage Gallery located at Singapore Supreme Court.

find out how we can create endless possibilities together